Ever since we were little kids, our parents have been drilling it into our heads: "Eat your fruits and veggies, they're good for you." We can't even count how many times we've heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."
But what if we told you that some of these produce items might be dangerous?
While eating an apple may give you much needed vitamins, the seeds could actually make you feel sick.
We're not telling you to stay away from the very nutritious fruits and vegetables. And we're not trying to fill you with fear or make you wonder if every meal that's on your plate is safe to eat. But we do want to better inform you on which foods you should be cautious of when preparing, and which ones have leaves or seeds you need to steer clear of.
Yuca, also known as cassava, is a starchy root and a major source of
carbohydrates in subtropical areas. It should never be eaten raw because
yuca contains linamarin and lotaustralin, which is very toxic. Improper
preparation of yuca can also lead to cyanide intoxication, which in some
cases affects one's ability to walk.
Kidney beans
Kidney beans have the highest level of the toxin phytohemagglutinin
(PHA) than any other bean. And they contain enough of this toxin to
cause acute symptoms, even if only a few raw beans are consumed. To be
safe, the beans should be soaked for a few hours first, the water discarded
and then cooked for at least 10 minutes before being consumed.
Cherry Seeds
As you probably know, the flesh of the cherry fruit is not harmful, but
the seed inside the pit, when crushed, chewed, or even slightly injured,
produces prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide). With this in mind, try to
refrain from chewing on the seeds.
Green Potatoes
It's true, our favorite starch can make us sick. But not just any old potato,
only green potatoes. Green spots indicate that concentrations of solanine,
a nerve toxin, are present. If ingested in large amounts, it can make you
feel sick and can even cause paralysis of the central nervous system.
The flower of the elderberry isn't poisonous, but the leaves, stems and
seeds are. They contain a bitter alkaloid and glycoside that can make you
ill. Be sure to stay clear of the bush, just grab the flowers to make some
soda syrup.
Apples Seeds
There's a reason that you don't eat the seeds of the apple (besides the fact
that they don't taste good); it's because they're poisonous. Those little
seeds contain amygdalin, and if you consume enough of them (which is
pretty unlikely considering the quantity you'd need to ingest) you could
be in trouble.
Lima Beans
Raw lima beans contain limarin -- only a handful can be enough to make
some people violently ill. These beans are very nutritious otherwise, just
be sure to cook them thoroughly before adding them to your next meal.
While in the 1800s, the entire tomato was thought to be poisonous, it's
now known that just the leaves of the tomato plant should be avoided.
The leaves and stems of the tomato plant contain a chemical called "Glycoalkaloid" which causes extreme nervousness and stomach upsets.
It's known that the leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous, yet it's still
unclear as to what exactly makes them dangerous for consumption. The
leaves contain oxalate and anthraquinone glycosides, so it's thought that
the combination of both compounds could be responsible.
Peaches Pits
There's about eighty-eight milligrams of cyanide in the average peach pit.
But luckily, if you did swallow a peach pit, the hard shell covering the
seed would protect you from ingesting the poison. And if you were to
become contaminated from a seed, it would give you a stomach ache at
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